Why I will publish about Crypto, Spirituality, and Personal Development daily over the coming 30 days

Alexander Gleeson
2 min readApr 23, 2022

These are the topics I have learnt the most on that I can provide genuine value on. Each offers growth & compliments one another. I will write about what I’ve discovered that has greatly impacted my quality of life, which I will lay out simply to transform the reader’s life.


If you get educated on it, become financially literate and stay prudent, over time it can help you become financially independent. I have dedicated myself to crypto since 2019, after becoming obsessed with it when I discovered it in 2016. I have traded it, studied it & immersed myself in the crypto world, with a wide network. I will write about new trends and potentially lucrative avenues.


I have some unconventional methods of meditation and of letting go. Over the past year, learning to let go from Dr. David R Hawkins & Julien Blanc has transformed my life. It has removed recurring negative thoughts, self-limiting beliefs, and overly-emotional responses. If you ever get triggered, it’s time to let go!

I will also write about a practical meditation practice, which is great for people who don’t have the time to meditate.

Personal Development

Personal Development falls under the other two ones. I like to think of it as leveling up my video game character. I have read countless books and done lots of activities on the subject. Personal experiments, like not drinking in 2021, will give you a sense of it to decide if you want to try it.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

